Our Services


Infrastructure Plans

Infrastructure plan preparation and review.

PIE provides expert advice to government and water service providers on all aspects of infrastructure plan preparation and review.

This includes:

We have the skills and experience necessary to project manage the preparation of local government infrastructure plans (LGIP), Water Netserv Plans and infrastructure plans for priority development areas. Alternatively, we can just provide advice on aspects of plan preparation.

We are listed on the Queensland Government’s panel of pre-approved LGIP reviewers and have undertaken compliance reviews for a large number of local governments in Queensland.

A local government is required to review its LGIP every five years. Our reviews not only fulfill this statutory requirement but provide a local government with a detailed scope of the work necessary to prepare its revised LGIP. This detailed scope of work allows a local government to focus on the things that matter – avoiding unnecessary expense and delays. It also makes the subsequent preparation of consultant briefs to undertake the scope of work much easier.

Infrastructure Funding and Delivery Policy

PIE has long understood that the benefits of infrastructure planning cannot be fully realised unless there is a way to fund and deliver the infrastructure.

Getting government entities and developers to agree on this issue at the time of development can be very difficult. This led us to conclude that fair and transparent arrangements about the funding and delivery of infrastructure should be implemented as part of any infrastructure plan. This would serve to better coordinate the decisions of the parties and result in more efficient delivery of infrastructure.

Information about the funding and delivery of planned infrastructure should be documented in a public facing policy, strategy or agreement.

It is important that information about the costs and risks associated with the delivery of planned infrastructure is transparent. This includes how these costs and risks will be allocated between government and developers. Relevant information includes:

  • The infrastructure required to service urban zoned land
  • The estimated cost of the infrastructure
  • Who will deliver the infrastructure (government entity or developer)
  • The trigger for providing the infrastructure
  • Whether the infrastructure can be provided in lieu of paying infrastructure contributions (charges)
  • Whether a refund will be payable if the cost of the infrastructure exceeds the amount of infrastructure charges 
  • The terms of any refund, including the timing and any maximum amount that is payable

Information about how infrastructure will be funded and delivered is critical to the implementation of an infrastructure plan as it will inform and guide decisions by government entities and developers.

When the government entity clearly states how the costs and risks of infrastructure will be managed, it enables developers to ascertain the relative costs and risks associated with undertaking development in different parts of the local government area. This knowledge can be used to better inform their decisions to develop, resulting in less conflict and greater coordination with the government entity.


Infrastructure Funding & Delivery


Infrastructure Agreements

Infrastructure funding and delivery arrangements for a project.

Infrastructure agreements establish the infrastructure funding and delivery arrangements for a development project.

PIE understands that projects can be complex and that the satisfactory resolution of infrastructure funding and delivery challenges often require a high level of knowledge and creativity.

We have extensive experience working within the private and public spheres and this experience has proven invaluable when it comes to the design and negotiation of infrastructure agreement terms. We ensure that the obligations and entitlements within infrastructure agreements are clear and easy to administer.

Infrastructure Advice

PIE provides expert advice on all matters relevant to the implementation of an infrastructure plan including the determination of infrastructure as trunk or non-trunk, the drafting of conditions about infrastructure, the preparation of adopted infrastructure charges resolutions and the calculation of infrastructure charges.


Infrastructure Advice

Roads in city at night

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